The diwheel is a vehicle with two wheels on the same axle, i.e. in similar, like the back two wheels on a wheelchair, and works by mounting a cabin of sorts for a driver between them. In this case, the power source is electricity store up in a battery. Diwheels have been created before, and have of course been seen in sci-fi movies; what’s new here is the constancy control. Traditionally, the difficulty with creating a diwheel is in keeping the driver from gerbiling, a result that comes about when you think how a diwheel is constructed. If you simply attached the cab to the axle, the driver would spin approximately as the wheels turn, a truly nauseating experience to be sure. Thus diwheels are create by using a frame that allows the axle to spin independent of the rider, which works great once you’re moving at an even speed. Unluckily, though, when stopping or starting, the frame tends to ride up a bit, or trail behind causing a rocking motion for the rider, which again, would not be very enjoyable after a while. This is where the skill of the team came in; they use specially intended computer hardware and software to control the wheels and the society of the frame, which they manipulate using a joy-stick; the result is a smooth stable ride from beginning to end.
1 comment:
Awesome! I totally want one of these, they look great fun. Can imagine rocking up to work in this! I realise you haven't updated here in a while, but perhaps I could persuade you to give your blog a second life over at We're a new social blogging site, and I know our community would love to read about this! Let me know what you think!
All the best,
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